The Artesanal Bakery Coffee Shop – A Valuable Treasure in Merida!

Holly next to Artesanal Sign in front of bakery
Holly next to Artesanal Sign in front of bakery

Although the Artesanal Bakery Coffee Shop is not really hidden, we felt as if we’d found valuable treasure for sure in finding this coffee shop in Merida!

We loved being back in Merida for the next six months but we were staying in a different neighborhood, Campestre. First thing after our arrival to Merida, of course, was to catch up with our friends, Elsa & Pedro, to see what had been going on for with them since our last visit. We had our selection of coffee61 shops we loved in the Montecristo neighborhood but Pedro asked if we wanted to try coffee at a different spot?

Catching up with friends at Artesanal Bakery Coffee Shop in Merida.
One of the best parts about traveling is meeting back up with friends we’ve made thru travels!

Artesanal Bakery Coffee Shop

We have tried many coffee shops in Merida but one stands out above the rest & that is the subject of today’s post – Artesanal Bakery Coffee Shop in the Campestre neighborhood of Merida!

We are not coffee experts but we like what we like;) I love ordering a Cappuccino & look forward to see what kind of design will be on top! It definitely is an art to make those hearts, flowers, leaves, etc & I love it! Plus, the cups are huge & the coffee is awesome!

My drink of choice is a cappuccino but the Big Guy  goes back & forth between espresso & americano!
My drink of choice is a Cappuccino but The Big Guy goes back & forth between an Espresso or Americano!

The Menu of this bakery/coffee shop

Besides the fact that the hot coffee drinks are awesome, the menu of this coffee shop is pretty darn good as well! Hot or cold drinks & food are right up there in deliciousness! Here is the menu & some pics of the food we love here!

Artesanal Bakery is a great place for coffee & bakery or light meal.
Artesanal Bakery is a great place for coffee & bakery or light meal. The vibe is very tranquillo!

The Bakery

The Focaccia bread with chicken is just one of the sandwiches offered & it is amazing! I had never had this type of bread before & now I’m kicking myself. I had to learn a little more about this fantastic bread. Focaccia is baked at 475 degrees Fahrenheit vs the 248 degrees Fahrenheit for traditional bread. Since it has such a high quantity of olive oil & herbs, it does not go stale as quickly as other breads. Educational tip for the day! LOL.

Chicken on focaccia fresh baked bread.
Chicken on fresh baked focacchia bread is wonderful & so tasty!
Baguette & chocolate croissant are our two all time favorites at Artesanal Bakery!
The Big Guy’s favorite at top, sliced baguette & oil. Chocolate croissant at bottom!

Yummy bakery goods at Artesanal Bakery in Merida!

In Closing…

This bakery coffee shop is a must visit!

Entrance of Artesanal Bakery Coffee Shop in Merida, Mexico!
Entrance of Artesanal Bakery Coffee Shop in Merida, Mexico!

One visit will not be enough! The staff & the baked goods are amazing! The coffees, both cold & hot, are top notch. The atmosphere is chilled & tranquillo with a beautiful setting inside & out! Its easy to see why this place is so popular!

Artesanal Bakery Coffee Shop staff!!
The Artesanal Bakery Coffee Cafe Staff! What a great team! My apologies to Vanessa & Jorge who I missed on photos. And I could not leave out Adriana, the house cleaner & Anohart, manager!!



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