If you are craving a French breakfast or a taste of France – in Mexico – than Pistache is where you need to be! Nothing better after a morning walk than a great cappucchino served along side an awesome pastry, quiche, omelettes or sandwich!
We found a little piece of heaven here in Merida in the form of #Pistache_Merida, a little French cafe within easy walking distance from our casa. When we travel we are always on the look out for a good breakfast place. There is nothing like starting your day with a good walk followed by a great coffee & breakfast. We found it at Pistache’s, a taste of France that cannot be denied.
The waitstaff, Emmanuel, always has a smile on his face – yes even with the mask on you can see his eyes smiling- & always greets us with a ‘Hola’. On one of our visits, Emmanuel introduced us to the owner, Chef Vincent of Lyon, France who was so nice to share a little history with us on the cafe.

What is your favorite breakfast?
The Big Guy’s favorite meal of the cafe is the omelet so he was ecstatic to taste Chef Vincent’s various omelette dishes. Huge portion & more than enough to hit that hungry pit.

I, on the other hand, would rank the Jamon & Queso on Croissant as one of my top two meals!

The other would be the Espinacas [Spinach] Quiche. Talk about tasting a little bit of heaven! A nice crust & yummy spinach & cheese filling. Really, a nice breakfast, brunch or even early supper.

A French Classic Pastry!
I cannot end this post without discussing a French classic pastry – Millefeuille [pronounced ‘meel-foy’]! Oh my goodness, this is a taste of France you will not soon forget! Multiple flaky layers with a vanilla/custard type filling. Chef Vincent told us this was also known as “thousand sheets” & is a very important French dessert. It is heaven & you must try one when you visit the cafe.

A Taste of France in Mexico?
Never in my dreams would I associate a touch of France by way of bistro in Merida. Shame on me for that shallowness. French cafes are not normally ‘our thing’ but I have to say that these two traveling seniors found a goldmine at Pistache! With a wide variety of sweets, breakfasts, hot & cold drinks – I am sure you will fine something for you.
As seniors on a budget we love a good deal when we see it & this little cafe is perfect from the service to the food to the price! Tell Emmanuel & Chef Vincent that Travels With The Big Guy sent you! You are going to love it!

Til next time!
#Pistache_Merida #TasteofFrance