The Ultimate International Travel Bucket List For Two Seniors!

Map of Mexico
Mexico Map

The ultimate international travel Bucket List for these two seniors traveling internationally on a budget has been given a lot of thought. Our thinking is as we dive into this international travel plan, we as two seniors sharing with seniors can share with you our ups & downs so your grand jump as seniors traveling may be just a little easier for you.

I believe we have a good grip on it at this point but it really was very difficult to narrow down to top ten but we are realists. We are seniors & travel somewhat at a slower pace than some so if we can squeeze in more countries, we will, but for now we are concentrating on the Bucket List below. If you follow us, than you will recognize a bit of change from our original Bucket List at the beginning of this adventure. Nothing is in stone as we are finding out with this current pandemic & how it is being addressed country to country…

Our Updated International Travel

Though we know we may not get to all of these countries, we are hoping we can still make a large dent in the list! This new & improved Bucket List contains the countries we – at this point in time – want to visit for extended period of time. Sights we want to see in country will vary by length due to visa requirements…Does that make sense? Initially, we plan to stay as long as that particular country’s visa allows – 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, you get it on a tourist visa.

What is in that country that is drawing us to it? Making a list of what we want to see in each country will at least give us some direction as well as making the trip memorable for us…it gives more purpose to our travels & I’m sure some awesome memories along the way. Let’s get to it – this is the Taylor’s Ultimate International Travel Bucket List as of today March 2021 – in no particular order.

The Taylor’s International Travel Bucket List for Seniors as of today 2021


Merida has been chosen for our first jump off into our grand adventure!

The colorful streets & Monarch butterfly migration may send us to San Miguel de Allende.

Puebla, Guadalajara, Oaxaca areas are also is a big pull for us.

Walking the city streets alone in this beautiful country will be an eye popping experience.

Mayan ruins, the culture, the people….we can’t wait.

El Castillo - Chichen Itza - International Travel Bucket List Must See
El Castillo Pyramid – A must to add to any international travel bucket listfor seniors!

EcuadorCost of living for seniors, beauty, immersion are just some of the pulls to Ecuador!

Cunca, Quito, Guayaquil, San Cristobel are all contenders for our stay in this South American country. Why?

Let’s straddle the Equator Line.

Climb to the top of the Bascilica Del National Church.

Volcanoes galore throughout country

Walking across the bridge over Devils’ Cauldron

Checking our Las Penas & Galapagos Island.

Turtle in Sea
Loggerhead Turtle in Sea [photo by Daniel-Torobekov]

Bolivia a few reasons to visit Bolivia

La Paz, Uyuni & Cochabamba are a few towns that have peaked our interest.

The desert, mountains & Amazon in one country? We will be busy!

La Paz should be easy to get around without a car using local buses & bicycles

Salt flats? Should be interesting!

Breathtaking views from the various mountains.

Steam rising from jungle
Jungles & standing on the equator line are just a couple of reasons to visit Bolivia! Photo by Elias Tigiser


Village of Hopkins would be a cultural adventure. San Ignacio & Caracol look good for Mayan ruins!

Colombiafor some interesting facts about Colombia check this out!

Colombia has a lot to offer – mountains, jungles, etc as well as diversity. We haven’t narrowed down a particular city yet but Medellin is a possibility with its bird watching, coffee plantations, etc!

Costa Rica

We are not extremist by any call but we do love anything to do with nature so with the coffee farms & other multiple sights, I think this beautiful country is doable for us if only for a short stay.

red & blue macaw
red & blue macaw

Portugalwhat is Portugal famous for?

What is Portugal famous for? Fishing villages, islands, turtles[!], mountains, history, miles of beach, etc & basically a stepping stone to Europe or Africa! It truly has so many things that we are looking for in our next adventure, this country should be moved up to our top 3 of want to visit countries. Obidos & Berlenga just to name a couple of towns calling us!

portuguese fishing village
Portuguese fishing village

African Continent What is the best country to visit in Africa?

Which is the best country to visit in Africa? Where would we land? The continent is huge with fifty-four countries! I wouldn’t mind visiting a number of them but it would probably be a shorter trip for us. I was elated when The Big Guy just recently agreed that a visit to Uganda may just be in our plan. [The Big Guy has friends in Uganda -hmmm maybe they will invite us for visit?]

Kenya for a safari? LOVE that idea. Once we have a time-frame for a visit there we will give it more thought!

African elephant
African Elephant

Southeast Asia

Second trip to Thailand is still on our minds? We always said we would love to go back – maybe Chiang Mai, specifically to visit Chiang Mai Elephant Sanctuary! Cambodia & Vietnam have both been in discussion for a long time as well. We will research more on those two as time arrives:}

Asian elephant
Asian Elephants


The Great Wall of China – We both see that as a definite have to see in our travels. Also, the Zhangjiagie Glass Bottom Bridge is another sight we would love to see. Note: As I’ve said before The Big Guy & I are not extremists but we definitely could think about this! Ha.

Great Wall of China
We want to see this! Wall of China.

Is our International Travel Bucket List final?

Again, for these two traveling seniors on a budget, right now, this is our updated Bucket List! We are so excited as May 17th is fast approaching! Oh did I tell you? Merida, Mexico is our first jump on our international adventure. Yep, tickets – check; initial housing upon landing – check! – suitcases/backpacks packed & ready to go? Not yet…but we are practicing packing & making those final checks! Oh my gosh…did I say we are crazy excited? LOL. It’s definitely getting real!

If you haven’t got the travel bug yet to make the big jump, follow us & we will share with you our trips!

Happy travels!


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