Our Plan for this senior interracial couple to travel internationally on a budget!
I’m super excited to get this blog up & running to share with you our international travels on a budget by this senior interracial couple. We are mid to late 60+ but still young at heart who, for years, had a dream of international travel on a budget. Is it doable? We honestly believed that it was for many reasons, which we will go into further later, so it was a no brainer for us to at least attempt to do it!

There will be bumps – and we do expect them – but with a lot of luck & some good goal planning really what can go wrong? LOL. In the end our goal is to travel internationally, experiencing living with the locals on a budget outside of our comfort zone. Thousands of American expats are living quite comfortably in their chosen foreign country on whatever budget they have available to them. What possibly could go wrong?
We have our budget. We have a goal. We know it will be a learning experience for us but that we are ALL IN for! I hope you join us in our grand adventure!
Our sharing of our experiences – both good & bad – are for your entertainment AND hopefully help guide you in your quest for your piece of paradise, wherever it may be!
I moved to Texas after a life changing event in my former home state of Indiana. Texas has been good to me & I’m happy to tell anyone that will listen. After a few years in Texas, I met The Big Guy & fell madly in love with his awesomeness at that first dinner. Partners in life for twenty years now and guess what? We still like each other, biking, walking, playing dice games & even cleaning house together though I have to admit, again, that he is far more attentive to house chores than me.
At this point in our lives, we figure we are good for another 30 yrs which would put us into our mid 90s! I married a younger man, yes I did, and here’s one very important reason why….by time I get to be 95 yrs or so [good genes in my family] he may have to help me with my adult diapers! You just never know and you have to be prepared, right? He thinks I’m silly but…..you just never know.
Between the two of us we have 4 gorgeous daughters, 6 adorable grandchildren & 2 beautiful great granddaughters! They are spread out between Georgia, Indiana & Texas. I’m sure you will see pics or hear mention of all of them at some time or other if you hang around long enough with us on this journey.
The Beginning of our Plan – An Interracial Senior Couple & International Travel on a Budget
Our original plan to move abroad came about in 2017. It had been tweaked many many times over the years but the end goal always remained the same – move to a foreign country living among the locals. The Covid pandemic really played a number with our plans for a minute but we decided to plow ahead & proceed with our plans toward the end of 2019. The Covid-19 pandemic put a damper on our initial plans but we are both happy that we moved forward. By May of 2021 we were happily heading for our first destination – Merida, Mexico.
In the meantime, we will share with you our preparations to make this dream a reality! Stay tuned! We are ready to get this adventure off the ground & we hope you will follow along to see where we land.

International Travel – Phuket! Simply relax or drop a fishing on this floating pier. We stayed in the Supalai Resort & Spa on the hill overlooking the Andaman Sea.
About Us Page Updated April 2022. Enjoy!