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5 Hidden Monthly Expenses That Can Tank Your Budget!

Recently while on a trip back to the States The Big Guy & I decided to update our budget which included scrutinizing every expenditure & finding any hidden monthly expenses on our previous credit card & bank statements. During this process we saw random recurring expenditures that we – within plain view, but hidden monthly, quarterly or yearly expenses – had been neglecting. Wow! We were definitely surprised by the total $$ amounts we had neglected.

We had been so proud of ourselves for creating a financial plan that enabled us to leave all our material things behind & travel, but we were in for an eye opener once we made a really deep dive into our ‘renewal’ subscriptions. Reducing monthly expenses is not an easy chore, because some expenses required pulling insurance policies, etc we had been paying for years & reading the fine print in the docs. We put our heads together & amazed ourselves at what we were paying monthly that had little or no value to us.

Years ago we had both come to the conclusion that life is not about material things as we were never the ones that HAD to buy the newest model phones, cars, or etc each year. It was on a need rather than a have to keep up with the neighbors mentality. We quit buying birthday & holiday gifts simply for the reason that it reached the point that the gifts themselves had little to no meaning to the recipients anymore so why spend the time & money shopping for something that would be discarded shortly?

As I indicated many a time in earlier posts we began what I choose to call a minimal lifestyle. After all we are retired and live on a fixed income which equates to a limited budget. We needed to establish basic financial guidelines that would allow us to enjoy our small retirement income to the fullest. This article goes into a little more depth but worth the read if you are in process of making your initial travel escape as well as confirming what we discovered in our deep dive into our monthly expenses. We did not want to miss out on our life plan of travel opportunities because we messed up on our budget.

We made a list of our monthly recurring expenses for a deeper review for the numbers popping up for auto renewal each month. Here is what we found & how we addressed those costs.

Foreign money & coins from a few countries of our travels made possible by finding those hidden monthly expenses.
Foreign money & coins from a few of our travels made possible by finding those hidden monthly expenses!

Our Five Areas We Wasted Money in Hidden Monthly Expenses & How We Fixed it!

1. Insurance Policies

Check the fine print of those policies. What are the ‘exclusions’? Are there limitations of policy coverage? Will the coverage be pay if accident/death is out of country? If in doubt, call your insurance company & ask!

We had at one time a policy offered one of our banks for a nominal charge. We identified an accident &hospitalization policy that we had been paying on for a very long time. When we considered filing a claim for an accident that required hospitalization we sadly found out that in the fine print of that policy that it contained policy limitations that did not cover accidents outside of the country. That was canceled adding approximately $1000 USD a year back into our travel budget!

More importantly are your payments adding up to more than the actual value of the policy? I found this when I was handling my mom’s expenses. She had been faithfully paying a $35 a month insurance premium for close to 30+ years for a policy with pay out at death of $3,000! She had paid over $12,000! We canceled the policy & the company issued her a check for $700. You don’t want this to happen to you. Please know what you are buying.

2. Subscriptions – This proves that pennies do add up!

We kept adding to the list of monthly subscriptions that were being auto renewed between debit & credit cards! Between Google Storage, streaming services, blogging ‘stuff’ that I no longer use, jewelry insurance, mail service & phone warranty plans, we had 28 – yes – 28 monthly/yearly auto-renewals on various cards. Included above would be credit card yearly fee [1], shopping memberships [2] they definitely add up. It is ridiculous how a few dollars here & six canceled subscriptions can absolutely add up.

What we did was to cancel streaming services [airBnB’s normally offer these services free!], online magazine subscription [basic issue works fine] as well as several misc creative sites. Although we kept both store shopping memberships, as they are nationally set, we did decrease one membership to the basic. We added approximately $540 to our yearly travel fund.

3. Amazon Prime

We have been loyal Amazon Prime members since its introduction BUT now that we have traveled this past year we only used it twice. That’s $139 for year membership we did not & will not need. As of June when the membership is due to be renewed, we will be canceling & adding that $139 USD to our yearly travel budget! If we need anything ordered, we can use snail mail!

4. Medical Insurance for Senior Travelers – A huge but not necessarily hidden monthly expense!

This isn’t a hidden monthly expense per se but it has to be on the top of the list to be researched to see what is or isn’t covered out of country. Medical Insurance for senior travelers is a necessity & the cost only goes up especially after you hit 60+ as we senior travelers have found out time & again. During our first year of travel we paid our health insurance monthly payments faithfully although coverage would have been iffy out of the US. We did have a small travel policy which thank goodness we did as it did reimburse us for my emergency surgery in Mexico. My US supplemental policy only covers the first 60 days of a trip outside of the states & my accident was on the 70th day so it was useless but the travel insurance was great although it took almost five months to reimburse us.

The Big Guy, who tries to stay in shape has a health insurance policy that cost more than $600 a month& could only be used while in the states. My Medicare & supplemental completed our initial insurance coverage.

Here is what we have changed for the new year of travel. We canceled his insurance, kept mine & bought a comprehensive travel insurance for this next year. Canceling his health insurance, keeping my Medicare plan & adding the travel insurance will still add approximately $3800+ to our yearly travel budget.

5. Phone Plans

We are on a senior plan with T-Mobile which has worked out well for us this past year so at the moment we see no reason to change that. Before we discovered that T-Mobile had a senior plan we were paying over $110 a month for limited cell phone service for the two of us. Once we went on their senior plan [which has had everything we need] our monthly bill went down to less than $60 saving us over $600 a year adding that to our travel budget!

Now to be totally transparent we pay $460 a year for warranty on our iPhones 11 pros so if you want to be really OCD & subtract the warranty per year paid from phone service than we are still adding around $140 to our travel budget for the year! We buy refurbished phones “only” when the old ones wear out. Our present phones are well over a year old & at present we have no plans to renew, as I stated in the beginning we are minimalist and not concerned concerned about material items or having the newest cell phones.

Bottom Line…in finding those hidden monthly expenses…

I have to say we were pretty amazed that we have the potential to eliminate approximately $6000+/- from our expenses & adding around $500 per month to our travel budget! This means we could have a little more cushion in our future travel plans. It took some time to get this done and I hope that by reading this you will feel empowered to review your monthly, quarterly and /or yearly recurring expenses and determine if you are overspending for subscriptions services such as magazines, computer services, insurance, or etc that you are no longer useful to you. Your Thoughts?

Happy traveling!

Interracial Couple Traveling Abroad – One Country At A Time!

Are you an interracial couple traveling abroad or dreaming of making your jump into international adventures come true? What’s holding you back? Are you worried about not being accepted? Read on.

Holly & The Big Guy -an interracial couple traveling abroad!
Holly & The Big Guy – An interracial couple traveling abroad!

As seniors who are also an interracial couple traveling abroad we have had some interesting situations arise in various countries. When we first started traveling, we really didn’t worry about researching the attitude of areas for acceptance of mixed-race couples. Our thought process was ‘we on extended vacation” so we knew we would probably stay in an area full of foreign tourists.

NOW, that we have decided to take on international travel one country at a time, it would be negligent of us not to research & try to get a picture of ‘acceptance’ of interracial couples traveling prior to our visit to the next country.

For the most part, the reactions to us as a mixed couple traveling have both surprised & amazed us with overwhelming acceptance. Our travel ideas have changed over the years & we find it to be more adventurous when we are more interactive with the people that live & work in the areas that we travel. We realize that we will encounter language barriers but we have come to understand that these barriers only enhance our communication skills. However, being an interracial couple [black & white] we realize that researching the racial acceptance level of a particular country isn’t always easy to determine.

I can’t lie, there have also been several instances when being an interracial couple has put us into uncomfortable situations while traveling. Hmmm. How do other countries feel about mixed couples? 

Our Top Choices, to date, for interracial couples traveling abroad!

I wanted to share with you some of the cities/countries where we have received positive vibes from the locals. Though a few of the countries we have visited so far have NEVER or RARELY seen a dark-skinned person – their reactions were positive. 

Here is our list – as of today – of the most receptive countries we have found to an interracial couple traveling abroad in no particular order.

1 Phuket, Thailand

Thailand is the one country where we believed the people were truly color-blind.  We traveled to Phuket, Thailand & heard that it was the Land of Smiles. We were not disappointed upon our arrival to find absolutely lovely & kind people.  I can’t begin to tell you how much the locals gave to us in sharing their time, homes & families with us.  Being an interracial couple in Phuket was no issue at all.  The children would call The Big Guy “Mr. Army man” or “Mr. USA”. 

One day we were watching a local soccer game when the “Mayor” [not sure of his title] came over & asked us to move from the open seat to under the canopy out of the sun to watch the game. We were given drinks & treated like royalty!

Every day we would walk about a mile to a local store to practice greeting the local owner & purchase a snack or two.  One day as we were returning from our walk one of the staff from the hotel asked if we wanted to ride on his scooter with him.   We looked at the small scooter & said thank you, but its not big enough chuckling.  He asked us to wait & shortly he came back with a truck to pick us up. He then asked if we wanted to go with him to his next job, he was a DJ at a bar on the weekends.  Once his shift ended there he asked if we were hungry & wanted to stop to get something to eat. We said yes assuming we would stop at one of the many restaurants in the touristy part of town but he went straight to the house of his parents & told them he had hungry guests.   His parents greeted us with a friendly smile & bowed politely before they immediately began firing up their outside cooking grill to prepare the best banana pancakes EVER.   Although we tried to tell them that it was not necessary, they would not hear it! In their eyes hungry guests need to eat, no matter what time. We made it back to the hotel around 4 AM.  He told us that he would see us around 7 AM that same morning for some exploration. Three hours later we were up & dressed for another adventure in Phuket!

2 Istanbul, Turkey

Istanbul Mosque
A black man in Istanbul

These three young men watched us from afar for quite a bit before they got close enough to us for The Big Guy to say hello. They were instant smiles & one of them took his finger & rubbed Horace’s arm and then looked at it to see if the dark color would rub off. We couldn’t help but smile at their honesty. I don’t recall if they were able to speak English & we certainly did not know Turkish but it was very clear to us that they wanted a photo with The Big Guy!

When we decided to go to Turkey, the Big Guy had been in Iraq & one of his Iraqi friends gave him the phone number of a guy with instructions to contact “his friend” upon arrival in Istanbul.  The Big Guy unpacked his bag, pulled out the number & told me that he had been given a number to call.  He really didn’t want to call & bug a stranger but I told him to call anyway just so he could tell the guy in Iraq that he had called.   As soon as the Big Guy introduced himself on the call, the ‘friend’ told him he had been expecting his call and asked where he was staying.  He was at our hotel within an hour & that is how we met Faisal & Anya. This couple immediately adopted us from day one & showed us parts of Turkey we would have never seen on our own. Again, forever friends.

Anya & Faisal – forever friends!

Another day while waiting at a bus stop, a Turkish man that spoke very good English walked up & asked us for money.  The Big Guy politely stated he was sorry, but we didn’t have any money.  The man called the Big Guy a liar & began to say that Americans are rich & we were lying.  A lady at the bus stop stepped up to the man & immediately began to admonish him in their language.  The lady stopped speaking to the man, turning to us to apologize in English for the man’s behavior.  She stated that she was embarrassed by the man’s ignorant behavior & that his words did not represent the Turkish people’s feeling about foreign guests.  

Istanbul was very receptive & kind to us both as seniors & as an interracial couple with no issues using any of the types of transportation. All was smooth. We would definitely go back for a longer stay!

3 Athens, Greece

During the entire time we were in Athens we did not see any dark-skinned Black people, but the locals we met were extremely welcoming.    

People in general were pleasant & inviting, i.e. Michael, owner of a jewelry store who met us with a greeting of the Big Guy being called “Obama” with a smile.  One day toward the end of our stay, Michael ran out the door as we were passing motioning us to come back.  We walked back to the store & he had a silver bracelet in a box.  We told him we were not in the market to buy any jewelry but he quickly advised us that it was not for sale but a gift for the Big Guy to remember them.   Michael & his partner enjoyed the conversations they had had with The Big Guy & truly just wanted to show their appreciation of our kindness!   

4 Warsaw, Poland

We were invited to a Polish wedding! Since we had not been to Poland & we loved these friends, we were excited to accept the invitation.  After we accepted, the bride-to-be approached us with a serious look & told us that most of the people that lived in  her small home village of Korycin [a small village in northern Poland] had never seen a real dark-skinned person in their life.  She was concerned about what kind of reception we might receive from them & wanted to apologize in advance for anyone that seemed rude or insensitive.  

Prior to the wedding ceremony, everyone was gathered & visiting outside of the church. I had noticed three little older ladies with their heads together whispering & looking at us from a distance. They definitely were not sure about us. After a couple minutes, the bride’s little blond-haired sister saw us from across the yard & she started running straight to The Big Guy whom she recognized from being at their home the previous day.  She got close & leaped into his open arms, giving him a big hug. Once this happened, the ladies’ frowns instantly turned into smiles & we were golden. Everyone at the wedding & reception wrapped us in love!

The only black man in this Korycin, Poland village on this special day! The Big Guy & Louisa!
The only black man in Korycin, Poland on this wedding day

In Warsaw we arrived with the expectation of hearing comments or worse. We really were not sure but the hotel staff in Warsaw was welcoming & greeted us with smiles.  A couple employees even stayed after work to talk with us about our travel & the U.S. 

One day on the rail we forgot which stop would get us to Old Town, so we asked if anyone spoke English & three young girls stepped up asking if they could help.  We told them we wanted to get to Old Town but were unsure of which stop to exit.  They not only told us the name of the stop, but wrote it down & stayed on the train – passing their stop – to get off to walk with us to our destination.   They then walked back to the train to return to their original destination.    

On another day in Warsaw, we were making an exploratory walk to find a grocery store. While we were walking this little ‘older’ lady came up from behind us & jumped in front of us walking backwards facing us. She was laughing while giving us the thumbs up & clapping her hands. She was so happy to see us, we couldn’t help but chuckle over this.

We had to take a bus from Warsaw to catch a train to Bialystok in order to get to Korycin.  When we arrived at the train station, we met a young man who offered to put our luggage on the bus.  We thought he might be up to no good so we thanked him & loaded our luggage on the bus ourselves.   Upon getting on the train we were confused about seating. Again, the young man approached us  & introduced himself as Tomas inviting us to sit with him in a private viewing car on the train.  Tomas told us about the history of the relationship between the Polish and the Russians during our ride on the train.  When we arrived in Bialystok our ride to Korycin was running late, so Tomas stayed with us to make sure our ride arrived.          

Bottom line, Warsaw treated us very nice with a warm reception! Along with the beautiful scenery & warmth we received, we would definitely like to make another trip there one day! It was wonderful & the country is just beautiful!!

5 Merida, Mexico

At this time Merida, Mexico is the only city where we stayed nearly 6 months continuously.  I can’t say anything about the rest of the country BUT if Merida is any indication of reception to a mixed race senior couple traveling we can’t wait to get back to Mexico! We were absolutely stunned by the warmth & reception of the Mexican locals. Even though our Spanish wasn’t up to par at our arrival in Merida, we were able to easily maneuver to get what & where we needed. Did I say we made some amazing & forever forever friends in Merida? We did!

6 San Salvador, El Salvador

We stayed at a lovely little hotel that was behind a locked gate in a beautiful side street. As we walked to coffee or wherever we were going each day, yes, we saw many an armed guards at entry to stores, restaurants, etc but by the second day of our walking they all were returning our waves & smiles. Coffee shops & restaurants were very receptive to us & we walked away from that country with a totally different view of how US news exaggerates…

Off the beaten path, we found a little mom & pop restaurant. The chef let us into the kitchen to help make pupusas! The Big Guy still stays in touch with him.

7 Rome, Italy

We spent a very short time in Rome, staying in a tourist area & had a great experience with the people in this area. We found a Moroccan restaurant that we thought we would try out. The Chef instantly greeted us with an English hello.  He would come in & out of the kitchen while he & his wife prepared different authentic Moroccan & Egyptian meals for us to taste.   

The Italian locals appeared to be argumentative but as we observed them more it was just normal for them to be more demonstrative with their body language & speech.   

8 Colombia

If you are a fan of a good pirate story, historian, lover of battle strategies or interested in finding out more about the large slave trade market then Cartagena is the place.  Cartagena is described by some as the Blackest city you never heard of since it is 70% black. They are not referring to the city as a dark tale, but the number of mixtures of Mestizo, Mulatto, and Black-Amerindian cultures.  

As a side note, there were many discussions about how U.S. shows depict Colombians as drug runners [Narcos, etc].  We were told not all Colombians fit into that mold. Believe me when I say it frustrates them as much as The Big Guy seeing Blacks portrayed as pimps & drug dealers, etc. in general bad guys on television/movies so there were some lively conversations.

In the neighborhood of our Airbnb, we got a mixed reaction from the locals. Not because we were an interracial couple traveling, but I believe because the people saw us as part of a growing number of tourists that would change what they liked about their local neighborhood.  We did meet business people that were excited to see that we were starting to flow into this working-class neighborhood.  Once we were in the ‘touristy’ areas, we had no problems at all. We made two trips here & that was enough for us mainly because it is very much geared toward the younger tourists.  

Bogota, Colombia was much more our speed, calm & fairly quiet with very warm reception by most everyone!

In Closing – Traveling as an Interracial Couple has been amazing!

These examples are just a few of the amazing experiences we have had thus far as an interracial couple traveling internationally but I felt it was important to give you a taste of what it can be like.  Of course, I cannot guarantee you the same experiences but I do totally believe we were in the right places at the right time for these amazing experiences to become real for us. We cannot wait to see what amazing experiences the next trip holds for us. 

“All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.”

Martin Buber

Quito In One Day? Absolutely Amazing Sights Await You!

Quito in one day for sight seeing? We were truly in amazement at the sights we saw!

There are so many things to see in Quito in one day! You may need a guide to squeeze this all in but if your time is short – it is so worth it in the end.

Here is a brief breakdown on what you can see on a well orchestrated one day of sight seeing in Quito!

Virgin Maria of Panecillo

The Virgin Maria of Panecillo statute, also known as the Virgin of Quito, was our first stop on this particular day. Built on El Panecillo hill, a 636 ft high hill in Centro Quito, the Virgin stands 135 ft tall & is the tallest aluminum statute in the world, consisting of 7,000+ pieces! For more history, check this out. Although the Virgin Maria from the Church of St. Francis was his inspiration, the artist decided to add wings making the statute unique in its own right.

Virgin Maria on Panecillo HIll. This statute towered in the skyline on top of the Panecillo HIll & could be seen from miles away
Virgin Maria on Panecillo Hill in Quito, Ecuador! This statute towered in the skyline on top of the Panecillo HIll & could be seen from miles away.

Cathedrals in Quito!

I truly believe it would have been impossible for us to view ALL the Cathedrals in Quito in the five weeks we were there! Here are a few pics of our favorites of the beautiful cathedrals we viewed in one day. A lot of these, if not all, were built in the mid 1500s! Gorgeous intricate Spanish designs – some with Moorish or Gothic architecture – just beautiful!

Quito’s Gothic Cathedrals – Santa Teresita & Basilica del Voto Nacional complete with animal gargoyles!

Gargoyles on Santa Teresita Cathedral Quito Ecuador
Gargoyles on St Teresita Cathedral Quito Ecuador
Santa Teresita at night.
Santa Teresita at night!
side view of Basilica del Voto - the other Gothic cathedral in Quito.
Side view of Basilica del Voto Nacional. Gargoyles of pumas, turtles & iguanas.
Basilica del Voto Nacional - Gothic Cathedral
Front view of Basilica del Voto Nacional – Gothic Cathedral.

These are the two Gothic cathedrals in Quito! Of the second, Basilica Voto, it is believed that if this neo gothic cathedral were ever ‘officially completed’ that the world would come to an end?

Cathedral Metropolitan de Quito & El Sagrario Chapel

This amazing cathedral has two entrances – one facing the Plaza de Independence Center & the other under the bell tower.

Quito in one day? Absolutely amazing what you can see!
Quito in one day? Absolutely amazing what you can see!

Inteior Ceiling of Metropolitan de Quito
Interior Ceiling of Metropolitan de Quito
Altar view in Cathedral Metropolitan de Quito
Altar view in Cathedral Metropolitan de Quito

Iglesia de San Francisco Church

The Iglesia de San Francisco is the oldest religious site in Ecuador. This was probably one of our favorites among the cathedrals. Don’t get me wrong, the Cathdrals are works of art & we could have spent a day in each just soaking up all the artwork & architecture! This is the cathedral that influenced the creation of Virgin Maria above. She is the middle of the photo.

Iglesia de San Franciso in Quito
Iglesia de San Franciso in Quito
San Franciso Altar View
Iglesia de San Francisco Altar View. The middle altar above was inspiration for Virgin Maria sculpture.

Miscellaneous Photos of our day trip to Quito. Amazing what you can see in one day!

Chocolate Tasting

Ecuador exported over in value over $81+ million in chocolate commodities in 2021! Cocoa production in 2021 reached over 320 thousand tons in one year! We probably ate our weight in chocolate in Ecuador with all the amazing flavors. Yes, it is that good.

Chocolate Tasting
Chocolate Tasting. Here we tasted various types of flavored chocolate.

Quito views

Centro Quito street view with steps up to neighborhood in back ground
Centro street view. In the back those are very steep steps that connect the street to neighborhoods.
Ecuador Flag
Ecuador Flag – The yellow represents crops &soil, the blue represents the seas & skies, while the red represents the lives lost in the nation’s fight for independence.
Street wall mural in Quito
One of many painted murals you will find as you walk the streets!
Pichincha Volcano in Andes Mtns on a cloudy day
Andes Mtns on a cloudy day
Holly & Horace in Quito
Holly & Horace in Quito

Kindness of the Ecuadorians

If you can’t tell by the huge smiles on our faces above, Ecuador was a wonderful experience for us. These photos in this blog can’t begin to tell you all the fabulous sights that we saw – simply in taking a walk! We met some awesome & forever friends while here in Quito.

Angie & Jessica from the La Gran Colombia Bakery & restaurant who were so kind to us as we attempted to navigate the Spanish language, Colombian style!

Angie helping with translation
Angie helping with translation. If all else fails, go to Google Translate!

Alejandro from Tattoo & Piercing – no matter where we would see Alejandro he always met us with a big smile & happy “OLA Amigos!’ A genuinely nice guy who made a huge impact on us. Check out his premier video here –

Tattoo Artist Alejandro
Tattoo Artist & Singer – Alejandro.

Wonderful memories of this country. Definitely could be a spot on our ‘We could live here!” list!

¡Hasta la próxima, buena salud y felicidad para ti y los tuyos! Always, Travels With The Big Guy!

10 Interesting Facts About Ecuador!

Ecuador offers such a diverse cultural background which has created some unique traditions.

In this short post, I have picked out ten interesting facts about Ecuador that contributed or represents the country’s rich culture! I’ve said it before & I will say it again Ecuador is a MUST see on your Bucket List! These fun facts about Ecuador will hopefully add to your thirst to learn more about this extremely beautiful country! Let’s get started!

My Top Ten Interesting Facts About Ecuador!

1] Gran Colombia

Did you know that at one time Ecuador was part of the short lived Gran Colombia from 1819-1830? Panama, Venezuela & parts of Peru, Brazil & Guyana were also included.

2] Guinea Pig

Guinea pig, also known as cuy, is a very traditional Ecuadorian delicacy! I am a firm believer of trying new dishes when visiting a country but this is one I was able to avoid during this trip. With a firm base in the indigenous culture, the cuy is not going anywhere soon. I found this article where one Quito local has taken it to another level making Guinea Pig Ice Cream.

Guinea Pig Article Quito Ecuador
Guinea Pig Article Quito Ecuador

3] Quito Altitude

It took us a few days to get use to the altitude in Quito – mostily just a daily headache for the first week. Quito sits at 2,850m above sea level making it the second highest capital city in the world behind La Paz, Bolivia but Ecuador gets to claim fame as the capital city closest to the Equator.

4] Mount Chimborazo

Speaking of altitude, Mount Chimborazo is Ecuador’s highest mountain making its summit the closest to the Sun!

Mount Chimborazo in Ecuador
Mount Chimborazo in Ecuador

5] Darwin’s Theory of Evolution

Darwin’s Theory of Evolution was a big discussion WAY BACK in my Junior HIgh Science class but to tell you the truth I really didn’t like science BUT the Galapagos Islands [and turtles!!]have always held a fascination for me. Did you know that Darwin’s Theory of Evolution was based on his visit to the Galapagos Islands in 1835?

Giant Saddleback Tortoise - Galapagos Islands
Giant Saddleback Tortoise – Galapagos Islands (Image credit: James P. Gibbs, SUNY-ESF)

6] UNESCO Site

Every world heritage site has a number assigned to it. Galapagos Islands is #3 followed by Quito, Ecuador as #4! Enough said! AWESOME!

There are five UNESCO sites in Ecuador besides Quito & the Galapagos Islands. Santa Ana de los Rios de Cuenco, the Andean Road System & Sangay National Park complete the list.

7] Ecuador Exports

With the U.S. on the receiving in of about 31% of Ecuador’s exports it is not surprising to learn what the States receives. Ecuador’s top five are bananas, crude oil, lobsters, preserved fish & flowers!

Banana plantation in Ecuador
Banana plantation in Ecuador

8] Languages in Ecuador

Of course, it should be no surprise that Spanish is the main language of Ecuador but I didn’t know that there are at over 10 different indigenous languages recognized!

9] Choice for Retirement?

Ecuador is consistently ranked in the top ten countries for expats to retire as seen in this article by International Living. After having been here a month so far, I can easily see what that is! Depending on what is on your ‘wish list‘ to retire, Ecuador has a multitude to offer expats looking to reture or merely looking for a piece of paradise!

10] Julian Assange

Ok, this fact I found as being very interesting- you may not? Back in 2012 Julian Assange was granted political asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy in the U.K. Ok that is not the funny part. By the end of April 2019 the Embassy was so tired of Assange’s stunts & just all out spoiled brat shenanigans, the hospital Ecuadorians could take no more & ended his asylum status allowing the UK entry to arrest Assange per this article.

I really could have gone on for pages of fun & very interesting facts about Ecuador I still have sights to see. If nothing else maybe you learned a fact or two that you didn’t know before reading this post, I know I did!

Safe travels, peace & good health!


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